If we do not hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately! Ben Franklin
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Link Policy
Do Google searches first. That will be like looking at a library card catalog (Ha!). Then look at this site which is more like wandering around in the shelves and discovering interesting ideas. You will find few newspapers on this site. Usually one has to pay to read them. There are a few exceptions such as The Guardian. Most notations come from climate news sites or organizations such as: Cleantech News – GreenCars – Mass Clean Energy Center – Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources – Mass Save – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Plug In America – PV Magazine International – TED Countdown
Articles closer to Massachusetts get most priority.
Worldwide organizations are listed because we are all in this together.
Articles that speculate get less priority.
Only Articles on bills that passed get priority.
Events and Meetings Are Not Listed
CC = Climate Change
The # (21, 22 Etc) after entries is the year that site was added to this site starting in 2021.
Some of these pages are long to show the size of our CC effort
Climate Change
(Local/Global Articles & Hundreds of Organizations)
Electric Vehicles
(Transport in General)