There has been much discussion as to whether it is best to emphasize the fear of Climate Change or the hope we have of solving problem. I believe it should be some of both. Fear and Hope give us the motivation to change something. To those we might add courage to face it and the knowledge to do the right things. Too much of too little of either will result in inaction.

I mentioned courage because we humans fight on even when the cause seems hopeless. The Londoners during the blitz did it, Washington at Valley Forge did it, people working for freedom from dictators and William of Orange did it when he wrote, “We need not hope in order to attempt nor succeed in order to persevere.” and he succeeded, Jimmy Stewart (Mr. Smith) said it best, “The hopeless causes are the only ones worth fighting for.” We have already lost some of the Climate Change battles. This is going to be a long slogbut we will persevere.

The only certain thing about Climate Change is that those least responsible for climate change will feel the brunt of it. (Bill McKibben)

Below are reasons and reasons for both.


Bill Nye Climate Change is Now

Carbon Emissions Up in 2019

End Of the World

Fossil Fuels and Air Polution

Greenhouse Gases

Time to Panic – NYT

The Reality of Climate Change

Weather and Climate Chance

Who Knows


Look around at the polar bears, bees, plastic pollution, death of coral reefs, floods, forest fires, storms and drought.
We caused climate change! And continue to do so.
Latest climate study says it’s already too late.
It warns that “Time is running out to prevent the irreversible and dangerous impacts of climate change.” In previous reports, UN climate scientists have identified 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit as the threshold at which global warming will endanger human and other life, as laid out in the Paris Climate Accord.
Many investors won’t touch solar.
Government subsidies for fossil fuels are high while those for renewables are low.
As the world unfreezes diseases (anthrax) and methane comes out.
We will need ninety trillion dollars to fight Climate Change.
Utility monopolies need to change.
Companies do not pay the true cost of putting their trash in the air.
Take money out of government.
9 million people are dying already every year from air pollution. Now!


Al Gore

Biomimicry – Janine Benyus

Bill Gates on Technology

Bill McKibben

Bright Future

Carbon Pricing – Big Business is For It



Hope of CC – USC

Last Coal Plant

Links to All the Work

Seven Trends that that Could beat CC – The Guardian

Nine Reasons for Hope on CC – WWF

Nine Reasons for Hope

Ten Reasons for Hope on CC – Sierra Club

What Responce to CC Gives Hope

Falter – Bill McKibben

Forest Restoration



Joshua May


Steve Oldham


Montreal Protocol reversed the destruction of the ozone layer. Proving we can do multinational change.
CC is a many layered problem with many solutions.
Mayors (7,000), Governors, industries, and Regions fill the trump gap from own self interest.
We are learning from each other and there are many working. See: ClimateSolar
We are winning war on coal with death stats and the market.
The cost of renewables is dropping and incentivized.
There are many more Clean Energy jobs than coal jobs.
Third world is skipping to distributed solar.
Companies use green energy in PR.
White roofs reduce cooling costs.
Buildings are better due to changing building codes and energy audits.
Technological advances such as LED lights are reducing energy usage.
Smart eating benefits the body and the planet. It is an answer to “what can I do?”
Cars are declining on city streets in favor of pedestrians and bicyclists.
Electric cars are super efficient and production is growing.
Most air miles are autonomous soon cars will be too.
Insurance companies are forcing change.
There is money to be made combating climate chance.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects two-thirds of new electricity generation capacity this year to be from renewables.
Average vehicle fuel efficiency increased from 18.8 mpg in 1990 to 22.0 mpg in 2016 for all light-duty vehicles (SUVs and pick-up trucks included) on the road today, with new passenger cars able to achieve 36 mpg.
Buy out programs are moving people away from dangerous places.
Natural defensive shores are being rebuilt.
There is now a permeable concrete.
Cities are separating sewer lines from storm water.
EIA said 2018 coal consumption was down 44% from 2007 when consumption peaked.
Major oil companies commit to carbon pricing at Vatican.
Lost renewable jobs in Texas are coming back. Lost oil jobs are not.
Fixing old natural gas pipe lines and infrastructure is cheaper than building new pipe lines.
US utility renewables cost have dropped 82%.
More institutions are divesting from fossil fuel stocks.
Solar PV is being advertised in the media.
New natural gas appliance installations are being restricted.
Electric airplanes are flying. Electric trucks and busses are on the roads.
Climate change is in high school curriculum.
PV solar in Massachusetts is affordable for the less affluent.
The Massachusetts attorney general has urged the state examine a shift from natural gas heating.
Lower interest rates are helping PV solar insulation’s.
Coal fired power plants are closing faster than you can count.
Heat Pumps are coming to the fore.
The inflation, reduction act is putting real money into the climate problem.




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