Get an energy audit from your natural gas and/or electric company.

Use plug in strips to turn off phantom loads.
Turn lights off when not in use and use CFL or LED (Best) lamps.
Upgrade to Energy Star appliances.
Check out motion sensor lights.

Use an advanced thermostat to turn the heat off when gone or asleep.
Insulate windows with window quilts, roman blinds or hinged foam panels.
Insulate the attic as the energy audit may suggest (often save 75%).
Insulate door and window cracks.

Don’t burn leaves or branches. Take them to the dump or compost them.
Use Heat Pumps rather than natural gas or oil for heat.
Take care of your car so it doesn’t burn oil.
Drive a high mileage car (30 mpg is not high).
When the time comes buy or lease an electric vehicle.
Trash – RECYCLE paper, plastic, etc., Reuse  things and Reduce what you buy
Bring bags to the grocery and your own coffee cup to class or work.
Don’t buy bottled water. Filter your tap water.
Buy only what you truly need.
Print drafts on the back of scrap paper. Print double sided.

Drive only when you have several errands in one area.
Drive a high mileage car (30 mpg is not high).
Use a bike, walk and stairs.
Trains are the most efficient form of travel.

Use low flow shower heads and toilets (both can be retrofitted).
Try “If it’s yellow, Let it mellow. If it’s brown, Flush it down.”
Insulate basement hot water pipes.
Be cautious about turning down your hot water heater. Google “Time” article “What’s in Your Pipes?”
Use cold water with washing machine.
Save rainwater from drainpipe in screened trashcan for watering plants.
Dogs love to pre-clean containers and washing or recycling.

Money for Energy Savings (Updates HERE)

     There are many programs to save us money on energy and energy using devices. The problem is that they change frequently. Below is a list of information sources. Check also with your town and electric company.

    My favorite is for hot water. A heat pump hot water heater takes the heat out of the air in your house and puts it in the hot water tank. It uses much less electricity than an electric hot water heater. Saving $300 plus on you electric bill per year. The big electric companies will give you a $750 rebate (SHELD only $300), MassSave and the IRS will put in a $300 tax rebate (these are changing all the time). An install by a  plumber costs the same for either a heat pump of old style water heater.  If your heater is old this is a good deal.

Eversource (was Columbia Gas Co.) Customers

Rebates on many gas appliances from thermostats to furnaces

Best done through Mass Save 

MA 15% Solar income tax rebate up to $1,000

MA Solar Renewable Energy Credits – Money for PV electricity sent to the grid

Property and Sales Tax exemption for Solar – 100% exemption for 20 years

MA Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Green Communities Group Solar Buying done by city/town – not for South Hadley in 2018

Mass Save

Home Energy Assessments for Eversource users in S. Hadley

75% rebate up to $2,000 to complete recommended energy efficiency improvements.

Details on Rebates from major utilities ($200 rebates on clothes dryers)

MuniHELPS for Municipal Electric Companies like South Hadley

Rebates from $50-$300 on Clothes Washers, Dishwasher, Refrigerators, Dehumidifiers, Water Heaters, Heat pumps, Central Air conditioners, Programmable Thermostats, Building Insulation, Space Heating

U.S. Gov.

30% tax rebate on Photovoltaics

$7,500 tax rebate on Electric cars such as the  Chevy Bolt – Point of origin restrictions apply